Parker T. Geissel
Read the thrilling culinary suspense of Parker T. Geissel. Collect them all.

The Fell Hound of Adversity
by Parker T. Geissel
There’s bad doings in the run-down, hard-luck town of Adversity. Bodies pile up in the streets, rumored to be victims of that fell beast that has hounded the city from its founding. Luckless line cook Rudi Quince gets pulled headlong into the dire dealings. Like most folk in the crumbing metropolis, he can’t seem to catch a break. Fired from his fancy job as a salaried sous-chef, he’s scraping by, now just a simple sandwich man of meager means.
Rudi’s worries pile up faster than he can figure when the deadly and beautiful federal officer Colonel Stavrogin comes to town. The Colonel is on a mission to deliver the city from its corrupt ministers, or failing that, destroy it. Her arrival stirs up a storm of trouble as she and her men get to work with terrible intent. Rudi suffers the mysterious Colonel’s ruthless attention, captivated and terrified. On top of it all the city’s vicious Princess of Darkness has taken an interest in the hapless line cook for her own reasons.
Rudi faces brutal brawls and savage gun scrapes, pursued by foul folk. Then there’s talk of a terrible conspiracy that threatens worse to come. Malicious forces are working to let loose the vengeful creature of local legend upon the city. It’s rough times ahead as Rudi tries to make things right before the whole town burns.